How to create and delete OAuth clients for API

OAuth is used by the MintMe API for access control. With only one button click, you can quickly create your OAuth client. If you want to create or remove your OAuth client, please follow the instructions below. 

How to create your OAuth client:

1. To begin, "Log In" to your MintMe Account, click on “My Account” in the top-right corner, and select “Account settings” from the drop-down menu.

2. In the "CLIENTS FOR OAUTH ACCESS TO API" section, click on the "Create" button.


  • You can have several OAuth clients.

3. Your OAuth client will be generated and displayed on your screen.


  • Please store your "Secret", since it won't be displayed again once you leave the page.

How to delete an OAuth client:

1. To begin, "Log In" to your MintMe Account, click on “My Account” in the top-right corner, and select “Account settings” from the drop-down menu.

2. In the "CLIENTS FOR OAUTH ACCESS TO API" section, click on the cancel icon (X) next to the OAuth's client ID you wish to delete.

3. Press on the "Confirm" button in the modal to complete the process.