Propositions List Welcome to the HighPay token The HighPay token belongs to the highpay-pool platform. The platform provides various options to earn/exchange/advertise with cryptocurrcies. With around 3500 users, 20+ listed coins and a fast grow of the community its one of the upcoming crypto platforms 2020. The token will get connected to after funding the blockchain release costs. Token/platform roadmap The token will take in a serious role in the future of the platform. Currently planned is the integration in various section of the site. For example: Implementation into our exchange feature | reduce the exchange fees Integration into our pay to click system | safe money by paying with HighPay Advertise system | advertise on and partner sites These are just ideas, dont exspect exaclty the same Check: for platform update 2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please mention that not all 10mil tokens are released yet! Price control If the request is rising, we will release some of the saved coins to control the price. All these tokens will be sold later on, so the complete supply will be 65% after that. Marketing 25% of the 10mil tokens will be used for marketing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information Website: E-mail: Discord: Telegram:

crée le:
10 Jun 2019
Déjà déployé
4 861 745.5479
Pas encore libéré:
5 138 254.4520
Ordres actifs
7 722.0000
crée le:
10 Jun 2019
Ordres actifs
7 722.0000
Période de libération:
50 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
4 861 745.5479
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
4 761 525.9239
Vendu sur le marché:
100 219.6240
Pas encore libéré:
5 138 254.4520
Volume d'achat direct:
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