Fantastic News On 14 Jun 2021, got deployed. A little later, on july 5th, got deployed. And Today, the last of our three coins,, got deployed to the binance smart chain. We took all our sale orders offline. But don't worry, they will be back. There's a lot we have to do. We will write our whitepaper, get our side up, and get back to you asap.
We transferred all 20 300 Galleon Tokens to Sickle. Sickle will sell the first 100 Galleon for 498 MintMe a piece. After that Sickle sells in steps of 1 Galleon with a 0.04 MintMe increasement. This account will never ever sell any more Galleon. We burnt 4 000 000 Galleon and we will burn ALL future tokens (we'll wait until we have 1M and burn them)
... and soon we'll burn an other 5 979 700 Galleon. Only 20 300 Galleon on the market, ever!! We'll send Galleon to: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000