Universal Currency Universal Standard Currency Universal Standard Dollar Universal Currency (UC) was adopted in 2020 by the Metaverse Multiverse's Central Government (MMCG) and is designed to mitigate issues with currency conversion, the need for various wallets, being unsure if there is a convertible currency in the section or area, or what the valuation is of a currency being presented to you across different nations. Universal Standard Dollar (UC USD) or UC-USD is the official abbreviated name for the Metaverse Multiverse's (MM). Adopted in early 2020 by the Metaverse Multiverse's Central Government, Universal Currency (UC) was designed to mitigate issues with currency conversion across different nations. The Universal Standard Dollar or (USD) is one singular measurement of currency akin to the United States Dollar (US-USD). As an element of UC, USD aligns with and is supported by the Universal Standard Coins (USC) Universal Standard Penny (USP) and Universal Standard Nickel (USN). Presently, there are are the additional USP and USN given the nature of digital currency, it is best to keep each transaction down to a series of 1's, 5's, and 100's i.e., 1 USP X 100 = 1 USD or 5 USN x 20 = 1 USD or 3 USP + 1 USN = 8 USC. Presently, the Metaverse Multiverse and all Civilizations, Nations, Colonies and Visitors use UC as either it's primary form of Currency, it's Reserve or its primary conversionary guide for valuation. UC is also the reserve currency of the United States of America who presently is the Reserve Currency for the Majority of Earth's Nations. The agreed upon minimum conversion is $1.24 USD to $1.00 UC USD. This conversion Matrix allows for UC USD to always maintain a higher value as the reserve to help minimize circular inflation and devaluation. UC's value, like all currencies are subjective and speculative in nature. What each individual, each nation, each species, each planets, each area's, and each level values can change at any given perceived moment. Our measure of value is the sum total of all that was and is in the Metaverse Multiverse. Our valuation when compared is our best effort at uniformity and conformity on financial matters while also allowing for the free flow of new financial markets and products on a Commercial Scale and Private Consumer Market. *Disclosure: The Metaverse Multiverse Central Bank and Reserve (MMCBR) is charged with controlling, minting, destroying, initial valuation, re-valuation, financial investigations, cross-nation financial support and all other financial matters with in the Metaverse Multiverse Commonwealth (MMC). The Metaverse Multiverse Central Government (MMCG), although in control of all within the MMC, has limited say in how the MMCBR conducts short-term and long-term operations. The MMCBR is considered an Independent Government Collective (IGC) as it hold assets in trust, reserve and confidence for over 2,176 MMC Nations at a present Undisclosed value.

Created on:
25 Nov 2022
Already released:
7 900 712.3287
Not yet released:
2 099 287.6712
Active orders:
6 512 721.0000
Created on:
25 Nov 2022
Active orders:
6 512 721.0000
Release period:
5 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
7 900 712.3287
Wallet on exchange:
1 387 890.4109
Sold on the market:
Not yet released:
2 099 287.6712
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