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Saving SVIB is the token of the saving project in the BSC network, we seek to be useful in everyday, social and economic use, in addition to digital utility, seeking to be a blockchain option. Learn more about the SVIB token (Red Bsc): The deflationary transaction fee of 1% of the token, is distributed among all addresses in a percentage way

Listed on:
30 Apr 2024
Active orders:
400 525.0000
Listed on:
30 Apr 2024
Active orders:
400 525.0000
Wallet on exchange:
3 823.8579
Direct buy volume:
18 912
Latest News
13:06:51 09 Jun, 2024

Participate in our SVIB token winning trader contest on mintme: 30 days trading. Whoever has the most SVIB token at the end will be the winner. Rule: Minimum volume in 30 days must be equivalent to $100 to be able to give the prizes, if it does not reach this amount the prizes will only be from the cpu miner to your address no more than 4 hours to first place. 1st place wins: 50 usdt and 24 hours of a cpu miner mining mintme to your address. 2nd place wins: 24 hours of a cpu miner mining mintme to your address 3rd place wins: 2 hours of a cpu miner mining mintme to your address Participate now.

12:06:44 02 Jun, 2024

Go to our token shop section, you can purchase mining power with CPU.

17:05:17 18 May, 2024

Our SVIB token is deflationary at 1%, which indicates that if you have svib in your personal address, it generates profit from that 1% that is derived from each transaction.