This is a buy and hold token! Long term holders of this token will get extra benefits when the project use goes fully live! We will be doing extra moves to drive the price and, with no airdrops we lower the risk of dumpers, and low price driving.
Price at 2 mintme now, earn 50% extra on your tokens! Anyone who buys more than 500 tokens and drops their address below, will get 50% extra sent to them! Also, working in partnership with ERCU-UNDERDOG token, anyone who buys 500 MSCU and 500 ERCU-UNDERDOG token, gets 50% extra MSCU and ERCU-UNDERDOG tokens, absolutely free!
When the founders of this project got together, we had a vision of a better future for the music industry. A world, decentralized by blockchain tech, and away from mainstream costs of producing and marketing the product. With the support of mintme, this is being made possible, with a completely decentralised market place for musicians to get their work noticed. There will be some massive updates coming, website and actual platform, all very soon!