NEW Private Coin #JCDC #Defi post
NEW Private Coin #JCDC #Defi
08:01:50 19 Jan, 2022

Recently launched new private coin #JCDC a #Defi instrument which doesn't rely on the middle man (intermediary). It offers a chance to experience true privacy because it has a mission. Invest now while this private coin is still in it's infancy

The JCDC (Jermond Christopher Davis Coin) is a private decentralized coin backed by 1 troy Ounce of silver valued at $1 Quintillion USD and $113 Quintillion KSH. This coin is a digital representation of the Private Trust in which the goal is to be established as a recognized form of accepted currency.

Created on:
10 Jan 2022
Wallet on exchange:
8 458 971.2222
Sold on the market:
6 289.5910
Active orders:
1 497 961.0000
Created on:
10 Jan 2022
Wallet on exchange:
8 458 971.2222
Sold on the market:
6 289.5910
Direct buy volume:
Latest News
Anticipation is an anxiety!! post
20:05:15 25 May, 2022

Unfortunately due to some unforeseen construction work we will be postponing our coin back to 6/17. Thanks for being patient on your investment. We hope this reaches you in a relaxed state of being. Stay tuned

It’s count down.. post
15:04:06 27 Apr, 2022

It’s been count down for the JCDC to deploy.. we’ve been in the lab preparing how we can make this easier for you. Now those of you who has accepted our offer and invested into our coin earlier will have a fraction of the coin called a nucci. A nucci is a fraction of the whole token which define how much JCDC you have in your possession. We do appreciate everyone and return give value.

The foundation ✔5/25/2022 Deploys into the blockchain for eth .. post
15:03:01 26 Mar, 2022

Top of the day! Great news.. this is one time you'd want to stop. Think. Act💯💯 if your an investor and your interested into using a token that's private and full of value.. then keep reading. For months end our trust has been ready to create a high frequency coin/ token that'll be another medium or exchange with value attached, hence its backed by silver and recognized by our trust.. this is the digital form of lawful currency named after the creator of the defi/crypto coin (Jermond Christopher Davis). The intent of this high volume coin is to put a stamp into the metaverse as a reflection of the physical. Our decision to create our own currency immediately went hand in hand with the lifestyle. The way this currency is set up, you actually buy into the vision that provides an opportunity to create generational wealth. Great news.. the holder of the fraction of silver operating with this currency has made a lifetime investment which possess an asset, giving the investor a boss claim.

pss..spread the word the #JCDC deploy on 5/25/2022 post
06:03:27 10 Mar, 2022

Since the creation of the #JCDC value has been the life line of this new token. The purpose of its creation is to create more value; More value for your investments, your family and most importantly your future. This private silver backed digital currency is one that'll enhance your smart decision making by being a holder of a prosperous future as well as a private digital coin issued by our Trust. The intent is to create a safe haven not only for your pocketbook/ wallet but for your progeny and a good investment to pass on. We are still under construction cooking up other elements to spice this coin into the metaverse making a lot of noise in silence.

The wait is almost over post
19:02:20 25 Feb, 2022

5/25/2022 Our Trust will be deploying our token. We thank everyone who has invested into our vision. You are apart of our fabric and an early investor, who will be glad that you've invested. This private silver registered token is one of a kind, that you can invest into your future and hold as an asset for your progeny/Tribal Members. This is a smart investment that intends to secure your financial future.

Count down.. post
23:02:41 13 Feb, 2022

#JCDC is on the market following behind the #KingQueen and other coins to be announced later tonight

Inspiring news post
07:02:05 08 Feb, 2022

The #JCDC is the next best thing on the blockchain to evolve. It's digitized current frequency is operating as other private coins like the #KingQueen a private coin that's transforming the #defi platform

It's cooking up.. #JCDC post
07:02:46 08 Feb, 2022

The JCDC will be released soon.. tap in✔ be on the lookout 5/25/22

JCDC are to be released 5/25/2022 post
07:02:09 05 Feb, 2022

Be on the look out for the New Private token that'll be released 5/25/2022

NEW Private Coin #JCDC #Defi post
08:01:50 19 Jan, 2022

Recently launched new private coin #JCDC a #Defi instrument which doesn't rely on the middle man (intermediary). It offers a chance to experience true privacy because it has a mission. Invest now while this private coin is still in it's infancy

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