Listing soon !
06:09:42 27 Sep, 2022

Hi C4C community,, our hard work and perseverance has paid off .. LMEC will be listed on a centralized exchange! Stay tuned ,. Get your tokens now !! Last day of sale is Wednesday (09/28/23) !

Listed on:
23 Sep 2022
Active orders:
Listed on:
23 Sep 2022
Active orders:
Wallet on exchange:
100 000.0000
Direct buy volume:
Latest News
06:09:42 27 Sep, 2022

Hi C4C community,, our hard work and perseverance has paid off .. LMEC will be listed on a centralized exchange! Stay tuned ,. Get your tokens now !! Last day of sale is Wednesday (09/28/23) !

18:09:36 24 Sep, 2022

Get in on the fun of earning in the metaverse. Use LMEC to unlock NFT's in the gaming sector of Crypto 4 A Cause .. Play Scam Crypto Assault and win hotel vacations, gift cards, even C4C/Poly trading on ., Use C4C to vote for proposals in our DAO !

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