Don't be afraid to make large purchases of Coupon, Double Xp, or Candlesticks, we are going to start rewarding our customers with Mintme payments at random for faithful spending. We will be starting a logbook for our customers who are faithful. Today we Rewarded our holder named MDYS with a $34 buyback of the Crypto Coupon. Check the Trade History for CryptoCoupon to see the evidence. This will be the first example of royalties given out from our Company.
Absolutely no orders will be filled for anything lower than the initial set value. If you expect to get ahold of my Candlesticks token then expect to pay top dollar, we are not playing around. There will be quality products and services exchanged for this token. Some of our products will include one-of-a-kind NFT tokens with rare digital content like Gifs, Emojis, Logos, Music, and more owned by single individuals. Our NFT tokens will eventually be used even like deeds to houses, cars, etc.
Don't be afraid to make large purchases of Coupon, Double Xp, or Candlesticks, we are going to start rewarding our customers with Mintme payments at random for faithful spending. We will be starting a logbook for our customers who are faithful. Today we Rewarded our holder named MDYS with a $34 buyback of the Crypto Coupon. Check the Trade History for CryptoCoupon to see the evidence. This will be the first example of royalties given out from our Company.
Tacobell just released its 1st NFT or Non Fungible token, basically what that means is they released a token that's like a pokemon card or a unique work of art, and that's what we want to do with our NFT mystery and puzzle boxes. Go to for more information or just research what an NFT is. It's basically like personal Gifs and digital artwork and items that few people will ever own. Some NFT products include digital land in video games and items in games, like Decntraland
This project will not replace Coupon Token, that token is a unique project that has many underlined goals, but this project could possibly replace the Double XP token, and we plan to also incorporate the None Fungible token's into our project. For example, TacoBell released special tokens that represent digital artworks that are unreplicable through blockchain technology. Now we will be offering physical items alongside digital property in our mystery boxes and digital puzzle boxes.