1 Troy Ounce Of Silver Valued At $1,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 is the digital registration cover to the audio version of the actual document. All the digital currencies created like the kingQueen Token on MintMe and other blockchains stem from the actual Silver UPC Number 655847000999. The silver is used for the creation of the physical money called kingQueen which has silver embedded on the top of the physical currency. This cover is a must have for someone who wishes to keep a historical digital creation near even in your own virtual home. You can watch and hear the Silver Registration here on YouTube - lxzoRA5DHJA
The kingQueen coin has launched. Stemming from the private One Troy Ounce Silver Registered Bar 0655847000999. Shall be on the blockchain soon. Support the kingQueen now but stay tuned to invest in it and support the movement. The coin/token has value from the Silver that is valued in USD 1 Quintillion USD and in Kenya $113 Quintillion KSH. king Stevian of the movement stated a year ago that they would start creating their own physical and digital money and they have started. People who donate to the movement or purchase UPC Barcodes can pay or give by using the kingQueen which is backed by silver. Having a piece of a quintillion USD gives bragging rights but more to have ownership in something that is unique. The legal/lawful documents can be seen on Florida UCC Registry Doc Number 202005291127 The 100 kings & the 100 queens