NOTICE: 2-14-23 ...attempting a new plan? Again, none previously sold so all is well. Will update again shortly... NOTICE: As of March 22 2021 I am starting this project over. As no one purchased any tokens this should not be an issue but I am posting this message here and now in case anyone was interested in my old project. I will soon be posting a new project which I hope will gather more attention than the last and be successful. Thank you for stopping by. Expect another update soon... -------=------- I will release 1 gektek, at a time until sold, for each sub I have earned on Twitch. As of this post that total is... 295 total lifetime subs on as of March 23rd, 2021 I am currently looking for an artist to design emotes and other artwork for my Twitch channel. Buying tokens (and subscribing to my channel at to release more tokens) will help me reach that goal.

crée le:
01 Feb 2020
Déjà déployé
5 094 640.4109
Pas encore libéré:
4 905 359.5890
Ordres actifs
crée le:
01 Feb 2020
Ordres actifs
Période de libération:
10 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
5 094 640.4109
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
5 094 640.4109
Vendu sur le marché:
Pas encore libéré:
4 905 359.5890
Volume d'achat direct:
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