Ovelle Coffee is a small batch craft coffee roaster located in the United States. DM me if you want some more info or check out the website

crée le:
13 Oct 2021
Déjà déployé
5 194 229.3296
Pas encore libéré:
4 805 770.6703
Ordres actifs
51 477.0000
crée le:
13 Oct 2021
Ordres actifs
51 477.0000
Période de libération:
10 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
5 194 229.3296
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
867 780.9133
712 500.0000
Vendu sur le marché:
2 918 668.2012
Pas encore libéré:
4 805 770.6703
Volume d'achat direct:
Latest News
21:10:04 27 Oct, 2021

A crypto fascist is someone who believes essentially that they are the only one in the universe but wont tell anyone. We here in CT fall especially prey to this mostly because of the culture we are brought up in. Crypto Assets are assets that people deem as the only truly valuable currency in the world when the market fails. Of course this is all bad faith. I believe that everything will work out in the end and that if you are holding onto a lot of crypto to make money you probably aren't doing it any favors. So lets get out there and by some Ovelle

17:10:07 26 Oct, 2021

I have no idea what mint me volume would take in order to increase but I feel as if it would be a large part of my time and vital energy. For that there is no amount of crypto that could make me feel satisfied. But I push indeed because of a burning desire to see a better future and the newness of crypto is alluring. Hopefully I don't get scammed or at least scammed too bad.

23:10:16 25 Oct, 2021

Today we deployed to the block chain and are now on the forefront of crypto and everyday life. Using crypto to trade for everyday goods such as coffee is one step closer to a truly new economy. Big banks and big money wont stop us. Our elected officials need to stop being bought and paid for. Buy this coin and help create a new future for you and me.

Price Overview
Principaux détenteurs
Trader Montant
2 019 726
372 965
294 253
50 070
46 109
21 628
10 537
9 184
4 998
4 087
Bounty campaigns
Token shop