Ovelle Coffee is a small batch craft coffee roaster located in the United States. DM me if you want some more info or check out the website

crée le:
13 Oct 2021
Déjà déployé
5 194 363.9278
Pas encore libéré:
4 805 636.0721
Ordres actifs
51 477.0000
crée le:
13 Oct 2021
Ordres actifs
51 477.0000
Période de libération:
10 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
5 194 363.9278
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
867 780.9133
712 500.0000
Vendu sur le marché:
2 918 668.2012
Pas encore libéré:
4 805 636.0721
Volume d'achat direct:
Latest News
00:11:59 10 Nov, 2021

Crypto Investing is unique in that the markets never close. Is this a good or bad thing? I suppose exchange within most communities generally stops or lulls around a certain time late at night. Of course Mint Me is international so there is always a time when someone could be trading. This leads me to think of this place as more of an impersonal society than a community. I believe community to be more of a close knit circle of friends and that using the term community to describe online groups is actually debasing to the term. But community will always exist at least as long as humans do.

03:11:37 09 Nov, 2021

Check out the new intro about Crypto and Coffee and lmk what you think

00:11:12 08 Nov, 2021

Thanks to Headbash the number one Crypto King. Happiness Token is no joke thing!!! Must have Diamond Hands to be in the Ovelle game, make sure you buy buy buy even if you think its high its gonna pump. And Musdasch thanks for the love!

Price Overview
Principaux détenteurs
Trader Montant
2 019 726
372 965
294 253
50 070
46 109
21 628
10 537
9 184
4 998
4 087
Bounty campaigns
Token shop