Getting all the players ready to GO!!🤟🏾
09:03:56 25 Mar, 2024

The idea is Great. The industry is new and full of potential. The thing was finding the team to bring it all together. Trust me we are working and making arrangements daily to make it work. For all who trusted us by getting the tokens i thank you and wont fail you. More progress on the way.

You supporting this coin is a big first step on a infinite journey of global progress. This is the official governance token for One Global Kingdom. OGK is a community of live streamers who are entrepreneurs entertainers educators and common people looking to make friends and extra income online. 100% of thie capital genetated from this coin will be used towards the development of our livestreaming commuity. Holders of this coin will receive % of all profits from OGK communities endeavors . This comes in the form of liquidity and or direct rewards to holders. OneG token allows holders to vote on OGK future developments . OneG roadmap consist of its own live stream platform, Global Bartering system, Free Store for the poor, Virtual Nft Metaverse, Planeteer project to promote a cleaner earth, remote jobs, sponsored education and our own secure blockchain network created for OGK citizens and those in disadvantaged communities to benefit from modern advancement of technology. The vision for OneG is to make practical changes now for people globally that need them and have fun doing it Live. Our creed is "We increase our value by increasing the value of others"

crée le:
12 Feb 2024
Déjà déployé
9 574 374.2878
Pas encore libéré:
425 625.7121
Ordres actifs
678 115.0000
crée le:
12 Feb 2024
Ordres actifs
678 115.0000
Période de libération:
1 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
9 574 374.2878
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
8 349 155.3328
Vendu sur le marché:
31 519.5717
Pas encore libéré:
425 625.7121
Volume d'achat direct:
12 147
Latest News
09:03:56 25 Mar, 2024

The idea is Great. The industry is new and full of potential. The thing was finding the team to bring it all together. Trust me we are working and making arrangements daily to make it work. For all who trusted us by getting the tokens i thank you and wont fail you. More progress on the way.

14:03:15 04 Mar, 2024

After alot of overcoming doubt and hard work we finally took the first step to make this One Global Kingdom a reality. The things we have planned for this community are unlike any other and its really created for US. The ultimate goal is have a system online thats existence is to help the people to improve and life globally anyway we have power to. Lets work together to do some real good. Im excited and cant wait to see how this unravels.

Price Overview
Principaux détenteurs
Trader Montant
14 380
12 140
2 657
2 240
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