J.E.M.S. TOKEN if you are already a part of the family of just becoming a JEMSTONE here is your chance to invest in all things Jason Eugene Moran-Smith. This token takes the literary art in the form of books written under the pen name J.E.M.S. Light, along with the trademarked and copywritten designs of J.E.M.S. Luxury Shoe Co. to make each JEMSTONE not only a part of the family but an investor in the J.E.M.S. vision as the J.E.M.S. brand transcends into a global enterprise . The 10 shoe launch designs are on sale now, while we are preparing for the triple release of J.E.M.S. Light debut into the fictional literary world. With new books and designs too be released on a quarterly basis for the next two years.

crée le:
24 Feb 2021
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
10 000 000.0000
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crée le:
24 Feb 2021
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
10 000 000.0000
Vendu sur le marché:
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