In a world gone mad, a lone muskrat rises from the shadows, a twisted grin on his face, eyes gleaming with chaotic intent. Born from the depths of a forgotten swamp and fueled by the dreams of internet degenerates, Muskrat Boy is here to turn the crypto world upside down. No roadmap, no promises, just a relentless pursuit of mischief and mayhem. The coin that defies logic, mocks ambition, and laughs in the face of reason—Muskrat Boy isn't just another meme; it's a dare. A dare to ride the waves of absurdity, to dive headfirst into the darkness, and to embrace the madness. Will you take the plunge, or be left behind in the murky depths?

crée le:
08 Sep 2024
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crée le:
08 Sep 2024
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Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
10 000 000.0000
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