Una moneda creada con el fin de apoyar la industria del creador independiente, del consumidor medio bajo. para esa área que aun no ha sido explorada. el nombre HentaiCoin viene de una industria en la que podría apoyar este proyecto. las aplicaciones de esta moneda puede ser infinitas, con planes de realizar una api especializada en esta coin y otras muchas. la idea nace de la necesidad de eliminar los intermediaron que se quedan con hasta un 50% de la donación en caso de twich, entre otras, eliminar esos intermediaros tendrá mas beneficios para ambas partes. la creación de la app ayudara hacer donaciones, transferencias con menos o nula comisión. seria un apoyo e ingreso extra para gran parte de la industria. A coin created in order to support the industry of the independent creator, of the lower middle consumer. for that area that has not yet been explored. The name HentaiCoin comes from an industry where I could support this project. The applications of this coin can be endless, with plans to make an api specialized in this coin and many others. The idea arises from the need to eliminate intermediaries who keep up to 50% of the donation in case of twich, among others, eliminating these intermediaries will have more benefits for both parties. The creation of the app will help to make donations, transfers with less or no commission. it would be an extra income and support for much of the industry.

crée le:
25 Feb 2021
Déjà déployé
10 000 000.0000
Pas encore libéré:
Ordres actifs
10 000.0000
crée le:
25 Feb 2021
Ordres actifs
10 000.0000
Période de libération:
3 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
10 000 000.0000
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
9 989 990.1961
Vendu sur le marché:
Pas encore libéré:
Volume d'achat direct:
Latest News
Post 2097 post
23:02:31 25 Feb, 2021

A coin created in order to support the industry of the independent creator, of the lower middle consumer. for that area that has not yet been explored. The name HentaiCoin comes from an industry where I could support this project. The applications of this coin can be endless, with plans to make an api specialized in this coin and many others.

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