With less than 24 hours left until our website debuts! We are happy to announce that our Token is officially minted on the Binance Smart Chain! You can view the contract address here! 0x7Ee4fA247B731A723E1f3cE9FCf959F004338ada this signals another major step forward for Canadian Token!
This is it guys! Our website is almost finished! We have ended our super early adopter period and are moving forward! The MintMe entry price has been raised to match our initial market entry price! The new entry price is 300 MintMe! Stay tuned for our website within the next 48 hours!
With the rapid advancement of CADT, our development of the ability to bridge to other networks, and our addition of staking, farming and our deflationary and adopter reward model we have revised our MintMe (WebChain) entry price point to 25 MintMe, this will also allow our super early adopters to make the most of their existing CADT Sell Order on the MintMe (WebChain) exchange as we move forward!
Our dApp and website are still in active development and will be brought to you all shortly! It will include and feature complete ease of use for all adopters of CADT, including the easy interpolation between different chains, to allow you to move CADT out to different wallets and into a wallet for yourself to use all of CADT's amazing features!
This in itself separates CADT and will greatly lead to the rising valuation of CADT as it is adopted! As we further our development of CADT we will also create more bridges to other networks! The Bridge to/from the MintMe Blockchain (Webchain) is still in development! Upon this being finished you will be able to move your CADT to any ERC-20 based Wallet, Binance Smart Chain based wallet or any TRC-20 based wallet!
Interpolation - CADT token is a completely bridged token between Ethereum MainNet, Binance Smart Chain and the Tron Network, what this means for adopters is that you are not limited to only one Blockchain with CADT, as adopters you are able to freely move your CADT between Ethereum, BSC and Tron allowing for the most flexible dApp ecosystem, and economic ecosystem to be built for CADT!
Farming - You are able to Plant your CADT for dynamic APR yielded daily for various other Cryptocurrency tokens and coins. Rates are dynamic and rewards for adopters are yielded daily, Farming is similar to staking but you are able to reap the benefits of farming CADT across many different coins and tokens. The full list of farmable tokens/coins is still to be announced!
Staking - You are able to Stake your CADT directly in our dApp for dynamic APR based on the current value of CADT! As adopters who stake CADT you are able to earn more CADT at a stable rate and redeem at any time! This is apart of our value generating model for adopters, Staking APR is based on the value of CADT vs total supply.
Lottery Style Fee Rewards - The other half of the Transaction fee is redistributed to an active adopter of CADT, it is distributed to the last transaction maker of CADT, giving each person who actively sends CADT for anything the chance to gain rewards after every transaction.