Telluric is an entire defi project with a grand vision. It’s goal is to develop a real and pure decentralized financial system for everyone on earth. At its core, the team is developing the world's first non-KYC verified Automated Market Maker (AMM) Aggregated Decentralised Exchange (DeX). An essential feature enabling ​anyone​ to buy/sell, trade and transfer crypto. CanadianToken has been rebranded Telluric (TELT)

crée le:
03 Jan 2021
Déjà déployé
6 811 229.7204
Pas encore libéré:
3 188 770.2795
Ordres actifs
59 963.0000
crée le:
03 Jan 2021
Ordres actifs
59 963.0000
Période de libération:
10 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
6 811 229.7204
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
3 075 705.8265
2 376 157.3969
Vendu sur le marché:
239 421.3917
Pas encore libéré:
3 188 770.2795
Volume d'achat direct:
Latest News
02:03:42 15 Mar, 2021

The other 25% of MintMe invested into the project will be used to invest in other active, promising projects here on the Webchain! By doing this not only are we able to help our adopters, but we are able to help other creators here on the Webchain! Together we can achieve greatness for all of us!

02:03:13 15 Mar, 2021

75% MintMe invested into the project, will be used to buy back MintMe via buy orders! On top of that, by investing MintMe directly into the project, by using our by and sell order, you are able to help us raise the price of CADT! In doing so, you will also help raise the price of TELT! As our price rises, especially with our Chainswap & Staking dApps you can make the absolute most of our current ecosystem!

01:03:32 15 Mar, 2021

Our Staking dApp is out in beta! You can now stake your TELT easily and securely via our web app! We are looking for users to test it using different machines and report their findings here please! This will allow you to seamlessly stake your TELT for 5% APR to earn more TELT! You will need to have TELT in your Metamask Wallet or Trust Wallet in order to use this web app! If you need instructions on how to add the Smart Chain to Metamask, or how to use the dApp please let us know!

Price Overview
Principaux détenteurs
Trader Montant
67 774
40 897
24 231
22 784
12 877
10 132
8 429
8 140
8 000
3 279
Bounty campaigns
Token shop