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Hello, my name is L Joss, I am a painter and entrepreneur in Art. My paintings are of two types: oils on canvas and digital paintings. I need to point out that I do not use AI to create my digital paintings. Interested in blockchain technology and its applications in the art world, I produced my first NFTs at the beginning of 2021. As an alternative to "Fractionalyzed NFTs", I propose here to use MintMe technology to carry out a parcelization of one of my digital paintings created in September 2023: "Cat Woman". There have been many articles about fractionalized NFTs but currently no serious NFT platform offers this functionality. For my part, I think that it is possible to obtain an equivalent result by issuing fungible tokens that can be traded on platforms (here on MintMe) in the same logic as the creation of a new cryptocurrency. A new fractionalized work of art corresponds to the issuance of a new dedicated cryptocurrency/token. This is the logic of ICOs, “Initial Coin Offerings” used to finance projects. Regardless of the technical solution chosen, the logic of splitting works of art into fungible tradable property titles will bring liquidity to physical assets (non-fungible in nature) and significantly increase the number of potential buyers. These two arguments are enough to suggest that we are on the eve of a real revolution in the art market. The issuance of fungible tokens on MintMe having one of my digital paintings as the underlying asset is carried out on an experimental basis, the aim being to demonstrate the interest in the issuance of new fongible tokens versus the solution of fractionalized NFTs. Thanking you in advance for your interest in my project, your support and your comments. Luc Joss Some links:

crée le:
20 Sep 2019
Déjà déployé
5 709 075.3424
Pas encore libéré:
4 290 924.6575
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crée le:
20 Sep 2019
Ordres actifs
Période de libération:
20 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
5 709 075.3424
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
5 709 075.3424
Vendu sur le marché:
Pas encore libéré:
4 290 924.6575
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