Would you like to Burn Shiba Inu?

Fecha de inicio: 08.05.2021 19:08:00 | Fecha de finalización: 08.05.2021 20:08:00 | Creada por: ShiberianHusky

At Jerry Wilson Financial we are inventing a token called Siberian Husky. The idea is to bring more use cases to Shiba Inu and get Siberian Husky listed on ShibaSwap as an altcoin to Shib and ally token for utility use cases. The token would have a (1) to (100K to 100M) Shiba Inu burn ratio. That means that every time anyone buys just one Siberian Husky, Jerry Wilson Financial will buy and stake around (a randomized amount of 100K to 100M $Shib) per Siberian Husky token purchased. All the Shiba Inu would then be collected into one joint staking account and burned permanently on Shiba Swap, giving our token baking and permanently driving up the value of Shiba Inu token. We would also hold aside allocations for helping train assistant dogs for PTSD victims and comfort dogs, we would train police dogs, and help save dogs from being put down in animal shelters etc..



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