You can spend 20 minutes of your precious time to possibly do something really important. As you already know: • The value of almost any cryptocurrency is determined by someone's willingness to buy it. Having bought cryptocurrency, you must be sure that someone else will want to buy it when you want to sell it. • Income from the issue is appropriated by individual private individuals, sometimes completely randomly, sometimes for the implementation of a significant volume of computing operations, quite often without any grounds or signs of justice. • The operation of a significant number of cryptocurrencies is not environmentally friendly. Mining requires a lot of energy. We decided to try to change this and introduced other rules. For the first time, the value of the cryptocurrency issue is not assigned by random people, but it is sent to where you decide, choosing any project. For the first time, owning a token, in addition to its real value, also has a socially significant function. For the first time, the token has a continuously generated flow of funds for redemption, which will determine its real value. For the first time, donating to charity is not just spending money on good causes, now you have the opportunity to participate in the creation of a new type of social and financial system. And your donation also becomes a smart savings. The system of sending a larger part to good causes, and a smaller part to buyback, firstly, allows to transfer the income from the issue to those who need it, which is fair, and secondly, it creates the real value of the asset due to constant buyback. You should know that the fund was started by people with disabilities based on the principle of minimum expenses. Can you do something important with 10 USD today and not even lose it?

Listado en:
21 Nov 2022
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Listado en:
21 Nov 2022
Ordenes activas:
En la billetera del exchange:
450 247.3132
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