Propuestas Lista

LILFSH Access the opportunities like a whale, with a bank roll of a sprat. Primarily lilfsh coins will reflect assets and returns froma tiny home, and mini homes. Revenue includes, rent, B n B, lease, and financed sales. Smaller dwellings and properties are commanding attractive rental returns with lower capital gains than traditional homes. Cash flow returns are regularly netting in excess of 20%, with the securities associated with traditional dwellings. The use of crypto currency as a share management tool allows for LILFSH coin holders to trade out of their holdings through existing tradig sites, with added opportunities for capital gain,through increased uptake of crypto currency into mainstream finance. e .

Creado el:
18 Aug 2020
Ya liberado:
1 325 393.8356
No liberados aún:
8 674 606.1643
Ordenes activas:
Creado el:
18 Aug 2020
Ordenes activas:
Período de liberación:
50 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
1 325 393.8356
En la billetera del exchange:
1 325 393.8356
Vendido en el mercado:
No liberados aún:
8 674 606.1643
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
El creador del token no ha añadido ninguna publicación todavía.