Propuestas Lista

IT SECURITY AND BUSINESS CONSULTATION Review the consultation services provided: . Charge rate: You can pay with your MintMe tokens or cryptocurrencies. Depending on the time, we can discuss the number of tokens required. Contact Ultimate Consulting Inc today at Email: Professional Services provided: IT Security Services IT Audit Services Cybersecurity Follow-up Procedures Review of Processes and Policies & Internal Controls Procedures Risk Management Services Compliance Projects, including Data Protection Assessment Business Advisory Services PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICE I also provide personal development services related to any topics found in my book. See website: Charge rate: I can charge your Mintme coins or cryptocurrency based on 30minutes or 1 hour intervals if you have a question, concern, or need advice. Personal Development Topics: 1.Discovering who you are and identifying what your needs are 2.Learning from your past and living in the present 3.Establishing and completing more goals for yourself 4.Seeking opportunities and embracing them 5.Making action and choosing right decisions 6.Challenging yourself to better yourself 7.Overcoming all obstacles and barriers 8.Monitoring your progress to achieve great results 9.Never remaining idle by traveling, learning, and/or working 10.Taking time to unwind and reflect 11. Supporting those around you- friends, family, the world 12. Loving, laughing, and living your ultimate self

Creado el:
28 Nov 2020
Ya liberado:
3 446 229.9219
No liberados aún:
6 553 770.0780
Ordenes activas:
Creado el:
28 Nov 2020
Ordenes activas:
Período de liberación:
15 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
3 446 229.9219
En la billetera del exchange:
3 446 202.9219
Vendido en el mercado:
No liberados aún:
6 553 770.0780
Volumen de compras directas:
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