We placed 50% (300K) at our new StoreCredit Sell Order Price (0.0055 MintMe) post
We placed 50% (300K) at our new StoreCredit Sell Order Price (0.0055 MintMe)
22:08:19 04 Aug, 2023

600K StoreCredit will sell for 0.0055 MintMe. We placed the first 50% (300K) at this price - We allready burnt 3.600.000 StoreCredit through our StoreCreditBurn account. The account holds over 600K StoreCredit at this point. Ones it holds 1M it will burn them. - After burning we remove the lowest Buy Order. (Only than we make a bit of profit.) You can allways sell back your StoreCredit for MintMe. No Hoax. We keep Buy Orders for ALL StoreCredit out there.

StoreCredit Burned (0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead) 05 Dec 2022 - S:0.0002/B:0.0001 - 1,300,000.0000 - 0xa3e2b25b1f4778e66c7c70566b936089f51d8502fca0458a2b52282682126fe7 05 Dec 2022 - S:0.0003/B:0.0002 - 1,200,000.0000 - 0xa0aeaa0d038035eb1b6786dc24d6f967514618174ce0660c7f1a291b150e0ccb 05 Dec 2022 - S:0.0005/B:0.0003 - 1,100,000.0000 - 0x1227384f86a95ae126bb50e5319a46add6521f3f4df886abcf093ffdedc05733 09 Aug 2023 - S:0.0008/B:0.0005 - 1,000,000.0000 - 0x43ad9d8fee3fc536f2352d6a413857c169269b245a5384150b0419009862e464 18 Sept 2024 - S:0.0013/B:0.0008 - 900,00.0000 - 0xbda072a35a1ba14add793d32ed1bad56ba4c8cd4f06a29e0f4710dd03bdbdcdc 09 Dec 2024 - S:0.0021/B:0.0013 - 400,000.0000 (1/2) - 0x0191044147ce085ef00426d1532ce9f6fa262aa065a164b87e19134050b0a3d1 Total of 5,900,000.0000 StoreCredit burned

Creado el:
29 Aug 2021
Ya liberado:
10 004 314.0285
No liberados aún:
Ordenes activas:
1 781 841.0000
Creado el:
29 Aug 2021
Ordenes activas:
1 781 841.0000
Período de liberación:
3 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
10 004 314.0285
En la billetera del exchange:
-3 848 736.9131
Vendido en el mercado:
8 539 406.9288
No liberados aún:
Volumen de compras directas:
189 824
Últimas noticias
900K StoreCredit up in flames. post
22:09:52 18 Sep, 2024

We sold our Magic To buy back StoreCredit And burned 900,000 of them. We transfered new tokens. To create the next two sell orders. 200K got stuck. there is an error shown at our deposit and withdrawel history. We contacted Mintme. We'll see. If they are truely gone, we'll consider them burned...

And today... post
11:03:26 07 Mar, 2024

Today we filled the 0.055 sell order with an other 300K making it the full 600K for that price. We immediately placed the full next sell order. 500K at 0.089 MintMe. Updated the buy order and bought back some coins

Over 7M sold - And we buy them back and burn them post
11:03:08 07 Mar, 2024

We sold over 7.1M StoreCredit, we burned 4.6M of them and about 2.5M are out there. 200 are in our burn wallet. --------- Our system: We use fibonacci to determin the price. And drop the amount a 100K (later 10K) every step. The profit we make with our sell orders we use to make a corresponding buy order the left over we send to our burn account. Once the burn account hits the full ammount of tokens we burn them and take the corresponding buy order offline. Only than we make a tiny bit of profit wich we'll keep. Our buy back price will never be lower. Price slowly goes up and StoreCredit becomes more scares. Win - Win !! And we garantee that there will be buy orders for all StoreCredit coins out there... When you sell your coins back to us, we'll put the coins back up for sale at the lowest price using the same sequence. Lets hope MintMe goes up StoreCredit becomes even more valuable.

1,000,000.0000 StoreCredit got burnt. (4.6M BurnTotal) post
09:08:54 09 Aug, 2023

Today we sold some of the other tokens we owned, so we could buy up to a million StoreCredit and burn them. (0x43ad9d8fee3fc536f2352d6a413857c169269b245a5384150b0419009862e464) This means we burnt 4.6 Million StoreCredit in total. Like we said, we removed the lowest BuyOrder at 0.0005 MintMe. The price of StoreCredit will, from now on, never ever drop bellow 0.0008 MintMe. Ones our Burn Account has 900K StoreCredit in it, we will burn them again.

We placed 50% (300K) at our new StoreCredit Sell Order Price (0.0055 MintMe) post
22:08:19 04 Aug, 2023

600K StoreCredit will sell for 0.0055 MintMe. We placed the first 50% (300K) at this price - We allready burnt 3.600.000 StoreCredit through our StoreCreditBurn account. The account holds over 600K StoreCredit at this point. Ones it holds 1M it will burn them. - After burning we remove the lowest Buy Order. (Only than we make a bit of profit.) You can allways sell back your StoreCredit for MintMe. No Hoax. We keep Buy Orders for ALL StoreCredit out there.

Last sales orders (210K) at  0.0034 MintMe post
14:04:12 03 Apr, 2023

The last 30% of StoreCredit for 0.0034 MintMe has been placed. When these are gone we sold a total of 700,000 StoreCredit for as low as 0.0034 MintMe. The next 600K Store Credit will sell for 0.0055 MintMe (unless someone sells ofcourse). - Our sales profits get tranfered to our burn account. The account buys StoreCredit only to burn them. It allready burnt 3.600.000 StoreCredit and is holding an other 400K. Ones it holds 1M StoreCredit it will burn them and lowest priced buy order will be removed. - You can allways sell back your StoreCredit for MintMe and MintMe is cheap these days, Making StoreCredit a great investment.

We placed an other 280K up for sale post
03:02:09 27 Feb, 2023

We placed an other 280.000 of StoreCredit for sale at 0.0034 MintMe. (70% of total sell order at this price)

An other 70K StoreCredit up for graps. post
11:12:37 16 Dec, 2022

We placed an other 10% of StoreCredit (70K) for as low as 0.0034 MintMe. (30% of total sell order at this price)

20% of next Sell Order on Mintme exchange. post
20:12:53 06 Dec, 2022

We just placed 20% (140K StoreCredit) of our next Sell Order online. Buy StoreCredit for as low as 0.0034 Mintme!! We place an other 10% (70K) ad soon as the tokens are minted.

Principales titulares/propietarios
Trader Monto
358 997
343 649
240 000
219 350
151 356
105 361
49 900
35 010
30 329
24 584
Campañas de recompensas
Tienda del token