SH X Coin ".Everything Music Coined: Where Financial Security Meets Musical Harmony." Our company SH X, is revolutionizing the way you manage your digital assets. Say goodbye to the risk of losing cryptocurrencies due to misplaced wallets or forgotten passphrases. Our innovative platform ensures the security of your investments while providing a delightful user experience. With SH X, you'll enjoy the soothing melodies of financial security as you navigate through our feature-rich interface. But we're not just about technology – we're about creating a movement that encompasses financial stability, philanthropy, and musical enlightenment. Invest in SH X and become part of a transformative journey where cryptocurrency management transcends into a harmonious symphony. Join us as we redefine the future of digital finance, one secure transaction at a time.

Creado el:
29 May 2021
Ya liberado:
7 089 224.5569
No liberados aún:
2 910 775.4430
Ordenes activas:
28 539.0000
Creado el:
29 May 2021
Ordenes activas:
28 539.0000
Período de liberación:
10 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
7 089 224.5569
En la billetera del exchange:
5 766 208.3857
2 005.0000
Vendido en el mercado:
178 376.2600
No liberados aún:
2 910 775.4430
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
20:09:20 07 Sep, 2021

El Salvador officially except Bitcoin as currency. We at SHX buy. Back in BTC for holders.

20:09:26 07 Sep, 2021

EL Salvador now except bitcoin as official currency. We at SHX only deal in BTC. We will buying holders in BTC. As we've been doing to non block chain tokens. Launching the "Block chain launch initiative."

03:09:54 01 Sep, 2021

SHXconnect supports and. Send congratulations to ADA making history on the stock market. Trading at $2.7

Panorama del precio
Principales titulares/propietarios
Trader Monto
118 568
11 749
7 160
6 223
6 068
3 622
2 025
1 998
1 794
1 172
Campañas de recompensas
Tienda del token