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MintMeVoice is designed to be the voice of the community, helping to negotiate changes with the MintMe team by showing how many people support different ideas. With MintMeVoice, everyone can have a say in what happens next. Key Features: - Community Power: Use MintMeVoice to show the MintMe team how many people care about specific changes. - Fair Voting: The MintMeVoice token will be sold by me at a fixed price of 10 MintMe, ensuring affordability for everyone who purchases directly from me. - Regular Feedback: Every two weeks, I’ll ask for suggestions on what should be changed. The best ideas from comments, based on the number of likes, will be put into a poll for the community to vote on. - Monthly Action: Each month, the winning change from the poll will be presented to the MintMe team. - Token Buyback: Funds from selling MintMeVoice tokens will be used to buy tokens back at 20% of their original price. The rest will be used to promote MintMeVoice and MintMe.com. How to Use: 1. Get Tokens: Buy MintMeVoice tokens for 10 MintMe each to start voting. 2. Share Ideas: Look out for the bi-weekly posts asking for change suggestions and add your ideas. 3. Vote: Participate in the bi-weekly polls to pick the most important changes. 4. See Results: Watch as the top-voted idea is presented to the MintMe team each month. 5. Buyback Program: Benefit from the token buyback, where I repurchase tokens at 20% of their original price. 6. Reward for Winning Proposal: The author of the winning proposal will receive 100 MintMeVoice tokens as a reward. The reward will increase with the token's popularity. Join us and make your voice heard. With MintMeVoice, you can help shape the future of MintMe.com by sharing your ideas and voting for changes.

Creado el:
27 Jun 2024
Ya liberado:
10 000 000.0000
No liberados aún:
Ordenes activas:
8 999 849.0000
Creado el:
27 Jun 2024
Ordenes activas:
8 999 849.0000
Período de liberación:
0 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
10 000 000.0000
En la billetera del exchange:
1 000 006.5920
Vendido en el mercado:
No liberados aún:
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
20:08:50 23 Aug, 2024

Hey MintMe Community! We’re back with our bi-weekly post, and this time, we want to focus on improving user profiles on MintMe.com. Your feedback is essential! Let’s dive into a couple of key areas: 👤 Profile Features: Customizable Profiles: -Would you like more options to customize your profile (e.g., themes, colors, layouts)? -What specific customization features would you find most useful? Profile Information: -Do you think there should be more fields to showcase your interests, skills, or projects? -What additional information would you like to display on your profile? Privacy Controls: -How important is it for you to have detailed privacy settings for your profile information? -What specific privacy options would you like to see? 🌟 New Ideas? Have other suggestions about user profiles? We want to hear them all! Your feedback could be the next big change on MintMe.com.

07:08:25 10 Aug, 2024

Hey MintMe Community! We’re back with our bi-weekly post, and this time, we want to focus on enhancing the notification system on MintMe.com. Your feedback is essential! Let’s dive into a couple of key areas: 🔔 Notification Features: Reply Notifications: -Do you find it useful to receive notifications when someone replies to your comments? -How would you like these notifications to be delivered (e.g., email, in-app, SMS)? Mentions and Tags: -Would it be helpful to get notified when someone mentions or tags you in a post or comment? -How should these notifications be displayed to you? Activity Updates: -Do you want to receive notifications about activity on your posts, such as likes or shares? -What frequency of activity notifications do you prefer (e.g., instant, daily summary)? 🌟 New Ideas? Have other suggestions about the notification system? We want to hear them all! Your feedback could be the next big change on MintMe.com.

01:08:43 02 Aug, 2024

Hey MintMe Community! MintMe version 2.11 has rolled out with some notable changes, including token deployment on the Solana blockchain, support for the Base chain, and updates to the trade tokens page. There are also various design tweaks and bug fixes. We want to hear from you: -What features do you like the most? -Are there any issues or bugs you’ve encountered? -What improvements would you like to see? MintMeVoice will compile your feedback and share it with the MintMe team. Share your thoughts below!