FlySafe Digital Lucky Charm on sale! post
FlySafe Digital Lucky Charm on sale!
09:10:06 15 Oct, 2023

To view this post, you need to have 1 000.0000 LondonCoinGold tokens in your balance. Visit the

LondonCoinGold is a crypto asset that is minted on ERC20 platform now which will be minted on Cosmos Tendermint Zone when the development is done. Also, entire LondonCoin systems will be run by DAO which will be developed in 2nd Quarter, 2023. system will be operated automatically with help from automated Oracle. The value of LDXG will be created by accumulation of gold which will be purchased by services provided such as FlySafe. LondonCoinGold(LDXG) is a direct replacement for LondonCoin(LDX) which the project started in 2018.

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13 Oct 2023
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Listado en:
13 Oct 2023
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