Today I present the budget: Budget owe mofo: --------------------------------- $130 - advance $8 - advance $150 - advance $90 - advance $99 - soundcloud plz $400 - computer needed plz $300 - Internet hardware [needs replaced - 9 years ago] $2000 - credit card $475 - tunecore $15.99 a month - youtube premium $12.99 - a movie I wanted to watch. $10.99 - spotify $15 every three months, deviantart $34 - Adobe wtfhax monthly $200 - landa $180 - cryptotab pool mining $339 - bitcoin mining hardware $400 - tax yearly $44 - franchise tax yearly $299 - agent yearly $90 - agent twice yearly $197 - amazon business prime $300 - website yearly $3000 - app yearly $500 - kunaki help save my music from being eaten by the monster $500 - printful help save a not so failing but refused money from family to shining sea. ^sold goods $2500 - rangeme yearly $2000 - 501 C 3.
Creado el:
14 Mar 2023
En la billetera del exchange:
1 358 731.5625
Vendido en el mercado:
420 260.0000
Ordenes activas:
989 958.0000
Creado el:
14 Mar 2023
En la billetera del exchange:
1 358 731.5625
Vendido en el mercado:
420 260.0000
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
13:02:55 29 Feb, 2024