What is Hyper-Barter Exchange? The Hyper-Barter Exchange is a decentralized marketplace platform where users can buy and sell goods and services using the function of the HYBX token. As a cross chain token on Alltra Chain, the platform utilizes smart contract technology to enable secure, transparent, and decentralized transactions and interactions between buyers and sellers. A powerful App and Business directory platform that provides a user-friendly marketplace and business marketing system for the community to thrive in.

Listado en:
05 Jun 2023
Ordenes activas:
2 150 000.0000
Listado en:
05 Jun 2023
Ordenes activas:
2 150 000.0000
En la billetera del exchange:
900 000.0000
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
El creador del token no ha añadido ninguna publicación todavía.
Panorama del precio
Principales titulares/propietarios
Trader Monto
100 000
Campañas de recompensas
Tienda del token