Propuestas Lista

About Green Alien $GAlien The most memeable meme coin in existence. The it’s time for GAlien to take reign. GAlien is here to make memecoins great again. Launched stealth with no presale, LP burnt and contract renounced, $GAlien is a coin for the people, forever. Fueled by pure memetic power, let $GAlien show you the way. TOKENOMICS: 74% of the tokens were sent to the liquidity pool, 16% LP tokens were burnt, and contract is renounced. The remaining 10% of being held in a wallet only to be used as tokens for future centralized exchange listings, bridges, and liquidity pools. Maximum GALIEN: 850,000,000 Million

Listado en:
09 Oct 2023
Ordenes activas:
101 000.0000
Listado en:
09 Oct 2023
Ordenes activas:
101 000.0000
En la billetera del exchange:
738 775.9950
Volumen de compras directas:
150 125
Últimas noticias
El creador del token no ha añadido ninguna publicación todavía.