Propuestas Lista

GNEISS Coin represents 100% of the DAOs profits generated (pays out every Friday at 5pm EST). GNEISS will pursue every measure to stabilize the GNEISS Coin markets to turn it into a "stable coin" as well. GNEISS Coin will also be used as collateral for the official GNEISS Gold and Silver markets. 70% will be willed back to God in an untouchable ETH smart contract (located at: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000007) with the profits from that equity being reinvested into GNEISS and the official GNEISS Gold and Silver markets.

Listado en:
24 Feb 2021
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Listado en:
24 Feb 2021
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Post 2282 post
03:03:26 04 Mar, 2021

GNEISS Coin will start paying out generated fees on GNEISS in just a few more months! Get your cheap GNEISS Coin now while you still can!