WHAT IS ADVENTURE TOKEN TWA Adventure Token is a deflationary community token. Every time Adventure Token is purchased, sold or transferred between wallets one percent of the total transaction value is burnt, meaning that with every trade Adventure Token becomes scarcer. Trading attracts liquidity, which in-turn attracts further trading. Liquidity grows and the supply of Adventure Token decreases with every trade. Holding Adventure Token also gives you the opportunity to earn further rewards in DeFi ETFs like the Luna Fund.

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27 Feb 2021
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Listado en:
27 Feb 2021
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Post 2156 post
09:02:47 28 Feb, 2021

Welcome to Adventure Token. Adventure Token (TWA) Adventure Token Main Group https://t.me/AdventureToken

Principales titulares/propietarios
Trader Monto
Campañas de recompensas
Tienda del token