The official token of @bobdub of who is now past stage one of the project and onto stage two.... My work encompasses writing and reading poetry, evolving digital images, and crafting songs with AI. I animate these images both manually and with ai tools. Recently, I've been getting into video editing in a big way, loving the process of producing content that links the spoken word with images, animations and songs I've created myself, rather than relying on stock sites. The power and freedom of expression I'm finding in playing with ai tools is truly fantastic.

Created on:
14 Mar 2023
Already released:
3 848 431.6555
Not yet released:
6 151 568.3444
Active orders:
533 338.0000
Created on:
14 Mar 2023
Active orders:
533 338.0000
Release period:
10 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
3 848 431.6555
Wallet on exchange:
231 191.9063
Sold on the market:
3 569 855.8201
Not yet released:
6 151 568.3444
Direct buy volume:
216 162
Latest News
11:09:18 13 Sep, 2024

The trader went into great detail "Down the street, two miles exact Take a left at the blueberry patch You'll see a hut, a chimney to match". "An old lady named Sue That's where she's at Tell her I sent you— She'll know what I need." A crack of light splits the sky wide, Thunder rolls and shadows hide. So, the traveller started down the street, Two miles exact— Taking a left at the blueberry patch And was met by an old lady named Sue. The man in black shoes passed burdened by fate, His white horse strides with gentle gait, Shadows and light dance soft and faint "Good day," she said "How do you do?" "A good day indeed, Met the best craftsman in the land you see." The old lady smiled and said, "The cowhide is in the shed." The traveller nodded his head, Went to gather cowhide from the shed.

10:09:26 12 Sep, 2024

*In silence, they wonder at the vagaries of fate. Then... Under his breath he muses again, "What drives him on? This man of gold, With steady hand and eyes so cold, That cut through shadows in the night?"* *"But does he know?" the other says, "Is he one of them? Does he know what's happening in the realms of men? Of the talking, the planning, the preparing of the ground For the happenings that are coming When the magic abounds?"* Rook to F8, let's now dice with fate.

10:09:40 12 Sep, 2024

"I like this man," he answers back, "I'm interested, I have to say! I've watched him now for many a day. He laughs and plays and documents tack, Wields awesome tools of magic might, Writes worlds of heroes in the night... But who is this man who weaves these spells? Collects strange goods? Sings in the woods? Whistles at death? Values each breath? What is his vision? What is his mission? He's searching for something, so it seems to me, A meaning, a story, or reason to be?"* *In a whisper the Shadow replies, "Does he not know? Why does he wait? Is it his song that has numbed him to fate? How strange he has missed it—can't he see— The players each gave him a horcrux for free."*

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