Learning to Strategize
00:09:21 15 Sep, 2024

For 20 years they told me "rest" They said that I was much too stressed They said that I must drink more tea And that bubble baths were good for me And to my shame I must admit It felt really good just to sit After all the years of awfulness. But in the end it made more mess. 😞 "The time is now" - I must do this "The death of hope" - much is amiss I will not rush. I will not fuss. I'll learn the tempo - breathe, not cuss 🥴 but with smooth rhythm and with rhymes I must make my days sublime I must get up off my ass And build a life that is first class And I see! Slow attrition Will beat me! So I'll stop I'll drink more tea And sit and play Then build my day Rook F8 to H8 This is great Thank you

The official token of @bobdub of MInds.com who is now past stage one of the project and onto stage two.... My work encompasses writing and reading poetry, evolving digital images, and crafting songs with AI. I animate these images both manually and with ai tools. Recently, I've been getting into video editing in a big way, loving the process of producing content that links the spoken word with images, animations and songs I've created myself, rather than relying on stock sites. The power and freedom of expression I'm finding in playing with ai tools is truly fantastic.

Created on:
14 Mar 2023
Already released:
3 848 433.1247
Not yet released:
6 151 566.8752
Active orders:
533 338.0000
Created on:
14 Mar 2023
Active orders:
533 338.0000
Release period:
10 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
3 848 433.1247
Wallet on exchange:
231 191.9063
Sold on the market:
3 569 855.8201
Not yet released:
6 151 566.8752
Direct buy volume:
216 162
Latest News
00:09:07 19 Sep, 2024

So, we choose the third position Those of us with no physician. No sweet return to innocence, No hope of loving Providence. We limp along, flash in and out Of happy, sad, enragéd doubt. Soaring to the highest heights, Striding forth through shadowed nights, Stars, and seeds, and Starseeds all, Our quantum lives flash through the halls Of time and fate and all things grand. Yet here, alone, on Earth we stand. Down Quantum paths we plunge like fools Ignoring all conventional rules, We test the limits, trawl the deep Find new paths - surreal and steep. We honour Truth. We do not hide The evil lurking; pride defied. We perform great feats of wonder Soar so high, show off our plunder. Then we fall, and plunge to earth - With great sorrow and great dearth - an emptiness - the bitter taste Of failure - that precedes rebirth... With silent eye - the watcher's force - That alters each and every course King to E7 onward goes Not ready to turn up his toes

11:09:17 18 Sep, 2024

"What is a Gamer?" I muse to myself as I stand 'neath the harvest moon; the orange orb glows in the twilight sky whilst the orange cat sits at my feet and the chill wind blows o're my sharp sorrows and The Gamer finally sleeps. What is a Gamer? What does he do? How does he see the world? How does his brain work? His optic nerves, sparking, His eyes sharply darting, His fingertips, dancing, His keen mind enhancing Each possible quantum Node.... What is it like in his head? So harsh, but so patient, so gentle - oh so kind - he will stick you with his sword and he will kill you from behind. In comes the cleric D6 to E5 His time is upon him He is giving his life

11:09:03 17 Sep, 2024

There are many that need loving Many find the way too hard, They need someone who will guide them Take their hand and walk beside them As we journey, all, along. Me, I can not take help; I cannot accept your balm. My life is left behind me It was a life of harm. But, softly from the shadows Quiet voices bid me sit To sit, and write the story To write the mighty story, The timeless, endless, story With the words that keep on ringing And the phrases that are singing of the glory of these days. I am nowhere I am everywhere I am nothing I am all The story floats Around me And the finger Writes so slowly In blood Upon the wall

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