Medium will be available for trading on Pump.Fun in the near future ! We are going to integrate an ERC-20 token to migrate existing Mint-Me tokens to, and enable markets on other low-entry websites like Any Tokens sold pre-ERC20 will be safe and migrated upon completion.
CPU mining can my hypercompetitive, and GPU mining is a cat and mouse game with ASICs and FPGAs. Medium is exploring the potential benefits of adopting a Proof-of-work model once the Governing chain is released on it's own Layer 1 network. Feel free to share your thoughts. Also don't forget to claim for FREE AIRDROP COINS !
Core wallet & Bridged exchanges are in the works. Live-Chain will be migrated to dedicated core wallet from Mint-Me upon completion. AirDrop Live !
Don't miss out on getting your free Medium Tokens during our Airdrop campaign ! Tokens will be used to facilitate cross-chain functions as we build our platform !
Imagine being able to execute functions on cross-chain blockchains using UTXO features. Anything from IOT ( Internet-of-things ) operations, to peer-to-peer cross-chain transactions, we are removing limitations!