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This token does not exist on the blockchain. Tokens on a blockchain allow withdrawals to user wallet and are promoted on the Trade page. Token creators can activate it by clicking on the Advanced tab in the Token settings' menu


The more information you provide about your token and profile, the higher this number will be. Also you get big boost if you deploy your token to blockchain.

Button follow allows you to add the token to the wallet and generate the deposit address, you will also receive notifications from this token. Unfollow will only stop notifications

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19:13:26 23 Jan, 2025
### **Epic White Paper: Vegas Space Port**
**Revolutionizing the Metaverse with Integrated Smart City Concepts, Entertainment, and Crypto Economy**


### **Executive Summary**
The *Vegas Space Port* is a groundbreaking metaverse project blending futuristic entertainment, immersive technology, smart city integration, and a thriving crypto-powered economy. This white paper outlines the vision, core concepts, and ecosystem supporting the *Vegas Space Port*. It emphasizes real-world functionality paired with metaverse innovation to attract users, businesses, and investors to this transformative platform.

The ecosystem is powered by **MRTVCoin**, an innovative crypto utility token, and integrates advanced smart contracts, affiliate programs, and real-world applications to create an interconnected economic experience. From virtual shopping and entertainment to passive earning opportunities and live events.

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