KOTA token avatar
KOTA token avatar
KOTA profile avatar



This token exists on the blockchain.


The more information you provide about your token and profile, the higher this number will be. Also you get big boost if you deploy your token to blockchain.

Button follow allows you to add the token to the wallet and generate the deposit address, you will also receive notifications from this token. Unfollow will only stop notifications

Intikota (KOTA) hace referencia para los que nos preguntaron que Empresas aceptaron adoptar como forma de pago IntiKota para comprar productos y servicios dependiendo del rubro del negocio:

https://www.intikota.org.pe/timebank-mncb (Tel Aviv, Israel)
https://www.intikota.org.pe/hotel-posada-santa-barbara (Chucuito, Puno)
https://www.intikota.org.pe/pollos-alessia (San Sebastián, Cusco)
https://www.intikota.org.pe/el-picante-tv (Wanchaq, Cusco)
https://www.intikota.org.pe/chifa-mi-barrio (SJL, Lima)
https://www.intikota.org.pe/coantex (Ate, Lima)
https://www.intikota.org.pe/bazar-vivimax (SJL, Lima)

#KOTA #Mintme #intikota #Puno #Peru #UROS

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