The official token of @bobdub of who is now past stage one of the project and onto stage two.... My work encompasses writing and reading poetry, evolving digital images, and crafting songs with AI. I animate these images both manually and with ai tools. Recently, I've been getting into video editing in a big way, loving the process of producing content that links the spoken word with images, animations and songs I've created myself, rather than relying on stock sites. The power and freedom of expression I'm finding in playing with ai tools is truly fantastic.

crée le:
14 Mar 2023
Déjà déployé
3 847 399.5629
Pas encore libéré:
6 152 600.4370
Ordres actifs
533 338.0000
crée le:
14 Mar 2023
Ordres actifs
533 338.0000
Période de libération:
10 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
3 847 399.5629
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
231 591.9063
Vendu sur le marché:
3 569 455.8201
Pas encore libéré:
6 152 600.4370
Volume d'achat direct:
216 162
Latest News
06:09:12 15 Sep, 2024

It's sort of weird and strange sifting through the ashes of days past and coming across the old bone & the planks from all the old ships we've sailed..... Some of mine and some from you who knew this was what we'd do? where did we come from? where will it go? I do not know... and yet I was there on that road. We walked together and we sewed the threads of fate made out of gold And mythic purple blue. So many questions spring to mind So many crumbs for birds to find Only slowly can I see My mind creaks open, grudgingly A ghost ship sailing o're the Oceans Bringing eggs, fires, tea and potions *** I do not know the tales he tells My head is full of tiny bells That ring and ring and signal treasure Handed out in no mean measure I turn the stories round and round Faberge's creation to be found. Worlds of dream catch my attention What is real? Of what make mention?

00:09:21 15 Sep, 2024

For 20 years they told me "rest" They said that I was much too stressed They said that I must drink more tea And that bubble baths were good for me And to my shame I must admit It felt really good just to sit After all the years of awfulness. But in the end it made more mess. 😞 "The time is now" - I must do this "The death of hope" - much is amiss I will not rush. I will not fuss. I'll learn the tempo - breathe, not cuss 🥴 but with smooth rhythm and with rhymes I must make my days sublime I must get up off my ass And build a life that is first class And I see! Slow attrition Will beat me! So I'll stop I'll drink more tea And sit and play Then build my day Rook F8 to H8 This is great Thank you

06:09:03 14 Sep, 2024

On the table, carved in wood, An incantation, darkly stood. The stranger reads with solemn eyes, Words of power, ancient lies: "When the moon is swallowed whole, And shadows take the darkest toll, A white horse with silver shoes, Will walk at night, its path to choose, When traveler comes, a fate entwined, With dragons, death, and ingots mined." The stranger sips his poisoned draught, And waits in silence, cold and daft. For in this place of darkened lore, The traveler comes, and death walks before But now the black horse moves so slow C3 to E5, his knight in tow

Price Overview
Principaux détenteurs
Trader Montant
995 000
738 431
497 849
455 339
426 546
78 900
76 948
71 661
46 356
39 773
Bounty campaigns
Token shop