The official token of @bobdub of who is now past stage one of the project and onto stage two.... My work encompasses writing and reading poetry, evolving digital images, and crafting songs with AI. I animate these images both manually and with ai tools. Recently, I've been getting into video editing in a big way, loving the process of producing content that links the spoken word with images, animations and songs I've created myself, rather than relying on stock sites. The power and freedom of expression I'm finding in playing with ai tools is truly fantastic.

crée le:
14 Mar 2023
Déjà déployé
3 849 137.5922
Pas encore libéré:
6 150 862.4077
Ordres actifs
533 338.0000
crée le:
14 Mar 2023
Ordres actifs
533 338.0000
Période de libération:
10 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
3 849 137.5922
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
231 191.9063
Vendu sur le marché:
3 569 855.8201
Pas encore libéré:
6 150 862.4077
Volume d'achat direct:
216 162
Latest News
21:07:47 07 Jul, 2024

In cyberspace where shadows trace, And secrets swiftly lie, The Aluxo'ob, with watchful gaze, Guard the code and sky. When builders come with bits and bytes, To craft the digital new, They pause to call the Aluxo'ob, With rituals old and true. With offerings of cryptic keys, They ask for peace and grace, To spare their works from mischief’s hand, In this enchanted place. By screen’s dim glow and whispered code, In midnight’s silent hour, They seek the favor of the sprites, With humble gifts of power. The Aluxo'ob, in shadows veil, Observe with keen delight, And grant their leave, if pleased they be, To let the builders' plight. But woe to those who heed them not, Who mock the ancient ways, For bugs and glitches they shall find, In the Aluxo'ob's dark maze. For in cyberspace where shadows trace, And secrets swiftly lie, The Aluxo'ob, with watchful gaze, Guard the code and sky.

09:07:17 01 Jul, 2024

song and visuals generated by ai

19:06:58 28 Jun, 2024 Original Article by MindsGaming Soundtrack "Suspense" by @withinthevacuum

Price Overview
Principaux détenteurs
Trader Montant
995 000
738 431
497 849
455 439
426 546
78 900
76 948
71 661
46 356
39 873
Bounty campaigns
Token shop