We have added a feature for the City Tycoons on to allow them to set monthly storefront rental fees in your local city. Both in BGMP and your own token if you have linked one. https://www.bitmonky.com/img/bmStoreMgr.jpg
Dorella owner of deploys the Rugantino coin as the official token for Rome Lazio Italy!Thank you Dorella https://www.bitmonky.com/img/bmRugantino.jpg
Just a reminder that the Linking of MINTME blockchain Tokens to bitMonky Cities and the GJEX trading platform is a Beta program. Please always report any problems or bugs so that we can fix them ASAP. Thanks
PRSS has linked their token with bitmonky making PRSS the official toke of Paris France https://www.bitmonky.com/img/bmTycTroll.jpg
A month and a half ago we banned the google bot from crawling our site and here is what happend. Our traffic went up, server costs went down and performance increased! https://www.bitmonky.com/img/bmBanGoog.jpg
Come try it out for free. Open your own General Store Front or Restaurant and see how our dogePay solution can work for you! Login now and click on the 'My Store' button. If you don't already have an account just create one, its easy. https://www.bitmonky.com/img/bmStoreInfo.jpg
City Tycoons on will be able to offer store fronts to local business. BitMonky Eats will allow restaurants to offer pick up and delivery with our Doge Pay solution. Stores will pay rent to the city Tycoon in the cities local token! Also stores will be able to accept the local currency as discount coupons. https://www.bitmonky.com/img/bmStoreFronts.jpg
will be looking for Graphic Artists to create and sell their work to our members to be used for profiles, Banners and various other posts. Your art will go into our sites store front where members will be able to select art work from the different artists. Artist will set their fee in BMGP / per display of their work on the site. BMGP are tradeable for Dogecoin on the sites GJEX market place.
The GJEX exchange upgrade is close to complete. Find out how you can list your token there and have it traded directly for Dogecoin. https://www.bitmonky.com/img/bmCLICKTrade.png
Mining a MINTME token is slow but steady. The average computer can mine about 1 per day. Mining Them on If fast and easy because for every MINTME you mine you get 50 bitMonky bonus which is about 25 to 50 MINTME + 1 per day. [img style='float:right']https://image0.bitmonky.com/img/bmWowTmb.gif