The story of...
18:10:39 13 Oct, 2024

In a small town, Bob decided to invest in cryptocurrency, convinced it was the future. He bought a bunch of Dogecoin, thinking it was a new kind of dog food. His neighbor, Sarah, overheard him bragging about his “investment” and couldn’t resist joining in, but she mistakenly bought Shiba Inu tokens, thinking it was a trendy dog breed. One day, Bob and Sarah met at the local café to discuss their “crypto fortunes.” Bob excitedly shared how Dogecoin was soaring. Sarah, equally enthusiastic, proclaimed she had purchased “Shiba Inus” and was expecting a puppy delivery soon. They spent the next hour dreaming about their pet-themed fortunes until the barista, overhearing them, burst out laughing. “You two do realize you just bought imaginary dogs, right?” Bob and Sarah exchanged confused glances, then erupted into laughter. They decided to start a dog-walking business together instead, calling it “Crypto Canines.” Turns out, real dogs were much easier to handle than digital coins!

VecX is an innovative cryptocurrency designed to enhance the efficiency and security of digital transactions within decentralized ecosystems. Utilizing cutting-edge blockchain technology, VecX aims to streamline peer-to-peer interactions while providing robust privacy features and scalability. With a focus on fostering community engagement and incentivizing participation, VecX empowers users through a unique tokenomics model that supports both short-term gains and long-term sustainability. Ideal for developers and users alike, VecX is poised to become a key player in the evolution of digital finance. Our Silver Supporters: BarrioBitcoin Dance and Music

crée le:
08 Oct 2024
Déjà déployé
10 000 000.0000
Pas encore libéré:
Ordres actifs
358 548.0000
crée le:
08 Oct 2024
Ordres actifs
358 548.0000
Période de libération:
1 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
10 000 000.0000
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
5 731 655.1860
Vendu sur le marché:
4 019 881.0636
Pas encore libéré:
Volume d'achat direct:
Latest News
14:10:13 15 Oct, 2024

#Gold Thank you. Have a great day.

13:10:05 15 Oct, 2024

Once upon a time in a town obsessed with cryptocurrency, a man named Dave decided to invest all his savings in "PigeonCoin," a meme coin promising to revolutionize birdwatching. His friends laughed, but Dave was convinced he’d become a millionaire. One day, Dave discovered that the coin's value had skyrocketed! He rushed to sell, only to find the exchange was down. In a panic, he ran to the local café, which accepted PigeonCoin. He bought an overpriced avocado toast, but the café owner was skeptical. “What’s a PigeonCoin worth?” he asked. “Two avocados!” Dave replied, trying to sound confident. Just then, a pigeon landed on the counter, cooing loudly. The owner, misinterpreting it as a sign, declared the pigeon the new mascot for the café, leading to a sudden boom in PigeonCoin's value. Dave ended up as the town's crypto guru, all thanks to a clueless bird and a bad brunch choice. The moral? Never underestimate the power of pigeons—or bad investments!

16:10:39 14 Oct, 2024

Once upon a time in the crypto kingdom, a hapless farmer named Bob decided to invest his life savings in a mysterious new coin called "MooCoin," which promised to revolutionize dairy farming. Convinced this was his ticket to riches, Bob bought a truckload of MooCoin and proudly proclaimed himself the "Moo-narch of Crypto." As MooCoin skyrocketed in value, Bob became an overnight sensation. He threw a grand party for the whole village, inviting everyone to celebrate his newfound wealth. However, the excitement turned sour when he realized he hadn’t actually done any research. The coin’s developers had vanished with all the funds, and MooCoin was worth about as much as a block of expired cheese. Feeling foolish, Bob turned to farming again. He joked to his friends that the only crypto he truly believed in was “Moo-ney,” and vowed to stick to real cows. His friends chuckled, and from that day on, Bob became the local expert on both milk and digital currency—just not MooCoin.

Price Overview
Principaux détenteurs
Trader Montant
3 619 041
200 621
50 096
40 001
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