The golden ratio is basically 1:1.618, which is also known as the Fibonacci arithmetic sequence or the phi ratio. The difference between any two numbers in this series is this number. The easiest way to understand the golden ratio and see it in action is to use the golden rectangle, which is a rectangle within which a square is drawn, and so on to infinity. In general, our focus in this post is not the mathematical and mathematical aspect, but rather the technical aspect, and there are many sites and applications that help you calculate and measure the golden ratio…..:

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17:04:42 23 Apr, 2022 The first type: This type is used in the installation of basic components in various applications, from electrical cables to microchips. What is wrong with this type is that it easily loses its superconducting properties when placed in its critical magnetic field, and therefore this type is called a soft superconductor. super), examples of this type are zinc and aluminium. The second type: This type is characterized by the difficulty of losing its conductive properties if placed in a magnetic field, and we notice this when we study the graphic relationship between the magnetism of matter and the magnetic field affecting it. If these materials are exposed to a weak magnetic field, their conductivity will hardly be affected, while if the field strength exceeds the limit value, it will lose its superconductivity immediately.

17:04:33 23 Apr, 2022 Simply it is a substance that conducts electricity without any resistance. When electric current passes through most metallic materials, it encounters electrical resistance. But if these materials are placed below a certain temperature, their electrical resistance will be lost. The temperature in this case is called critical temperature.

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