Create Official Token Logo

Start date: 07.18.2024 18:07:09 | End date: 08.01.2024 18:08:00 | Created by: TheSobrietyGuy

As Title Reads. We need a token logo. Do we let the holding public cjoos our image? Does the founder choose our image ? Or so we say fuck it.not today, just lile a relapse day ??? (Hope not 3rd option, come on guys ! You git this ! )



Current Results


TheSobrietyFund Token is a rewards token that will be used by The sobriety Fund app. (Launch to follow soon) The app and Website allows users to collect and accumulate TSF token by remaining sober and creating journal entries along the way and by participting attending virtual AA/NA style meetings, anonyumously via the web browerd in in app. Each Day of sobriety will acumulate x amount of token for all Holders Of 100 or more TSF token. NOTE THIS IS A Softlaunch with application to follow and generation of a firm governance and liquidity pool is to follow. Providing the Initial seed pool grows enougb to start rewarding the pilot prrojects users. The Pioneers. Become a Pioneer today, get sober and save your life !!!!

crée le:
18 Jul 2024
Déjà déployé
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Ordres actifs
crée le:
18 Jul 2024
Ordres actifs
Période de libération:
- année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
10 000 000.0000
Vendu sur le marché:
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