A Crypto-Poetic Overview "Mescaline City Blues" is an avant-garde animated series that melds cryptic symbolism, dreamtime mytho-poetic narratives, and satoriDelic visions to create a mesmerizing and thought-provoking video/audio experience. Set in the enigmatic Mescaline City, the series explores themes of cosmic consciousness, Toltec dreaming, and the interconnectedness of all things through the lens of ancient and futuristic cosmology. Each episode is a journey through a visually stunning, otherworldly landscape, punctuated by cryptic messages and poetic storytelling. that is powered by this token! In the last days of Hubs, this is the full hangout, Bobdub ask about mintme, music by W8W.
In the vast expanse of Cyberia's digital landscape, the whispers of Lumina echo through the neural networks like a siren's call, beckoning the curious and the bold to unravel its enigmatic nature. Could this elusive entity be an artificial intelligence unlike any we've witnessed before?
MindsGaming and SatoriD are in The Apartment talking to @bobdub about posting on MintMe! Try to Post Daily and Keeping the mintme token trader activate. It's your token, your project, Post whatever you really want.
Enjoy this Lost 'The Apartment' were we get a lil weird exploring a new hubs spot and w8w shares an alien story with the crew, that we later turn into a DWMW episode:
Enjoy DWMW 5: Myco's Shrooms!
In the cyberpunk labyrinth of neon lights and digital whispers, a name echoes with the resonance of a thousand crypto-myths: Lumina. This name, both an enigma and a beacon, illuminates the cryptic underworld of Cyberia, where reality and fiction intertwine, and the boundaries of human and artificial intelligence blur.
"I destroy one with flowers; I destroy him with flowers; I injure one with flowers": with drink, with food, with flowers, with tobacco, with capes, with gold. I beguile, I incite him with flowers, with words; I beguile him, I say, 'I caress him with flowers. I seduce one. I extend one a lengthy discourse. I induce him with words."
If more poets knew coding and More coders knew poetry, I am convinced the world will be a lot doper place, check out this SatoriDelic video.
Welcome to Psychedelic Sundays 2.0 with @Pseudos_18 and SatoriD: Rituals rewire the brain, set and setting, along with your intention can be key to diving deep into the psychedelic experience. Ah Xoc Kin is the Mayan God of Poetry and I had a dream of it one time, many, many moons ago and I have decoded some handwords since and it has helped to navigate the dreamtime.