It's a new month, you know the drill, go vote! The token shops are excellent idea and valuable resource for users who wish to handle merchandise or link external resources to their tokens. However, I prefer not to manage anything or deal with the tedium of linking each item and tracking it for external resources. I simply want to create. I believe a straightforward method for uploading and downloading images from shop posts would significantly benefit users. The metadata and upload features can always be connected to the blockchain later. The shop posts would remain largely unchanged, featuring a title and description. The primary difference would be that when someone purchases an item from the shop, it would unlock any download associated with that shop item within the shop ite9m post itself. That's it; that's my recommendation for this month. Thank you for voting!
Look at you, not even you - Backing on others is what you do, Playing the game, yet nothing new A stan moving through and through. Riding coat tails of other glory - Guess you have nothing in your story, A name of boom must be boring - I no not a name, I board the flooring I care not, its not your glory - Just cosplaying another mans story, Look behind you, see the horsy - I made my myself, that why im poor see - Build the game, cosplay is your name.