Building a world takes time - Potions of ale, salt and lime, Walking the trails, enjoying the time Sipping some tea and having some wine. Building a base, brick as the sound, Flexable, swaying inside mental mounds - Picturing trees, mountains and leaves, Knowing the trails and where they lead. Cooking a brew with a magical steed, Hatching and egg and watching it breath - Well this book doesnt have any of that, But to catch up you have to go back - Embers Adventures, part of the future - Lost in the past!
Look at you, not even you - Backing on others is what you do, Playing the game, yet nothing new A stan moving through and through. Riding coat tails of other glory - Guess you have nothing in your story, A name of boom must be boring - I no not a name, I board the flooring I care not, its not your glory - Just cosplaying another mans story, Look behind you, see the horsy - I made my myself, that why im poor see - Build the game, cosplay is your name.