We, the people of planet Earth, regardless of our place of birth, residence, language, gender, race, nationality, religion or citizenship of the existing States of planet Earth, in use of our free choice, will and conviction. *MNCB It is built with goods and services, with functional and operational capabilities that are maintained during the complete development of each specific socioeconomic activity. The assets of companies vary depending on the nature of the activity carried out. MN Community Bank (MNCB) is a financial base that belongs to Micronación, it is part of the global network of Community Exchange System (CES). Of course we are also part of the Over the Counter (OTC) Markets. NFT is part of our Spatial Metaverse MICRONATION has begun the creation of what will be a virtual zone of our world. In which you participate by making your purchases, it helps us make space in our house. And participate in interplanetary trips while being in the same place. A unique experience

crée le:
06 Oct 2023
Déjà déployé
10 000 000.0000
Pas encore libéré:
Ordres actifs
1 079 862.0000
crée le:
06 Oct 2023
Ordres actifs
1 079 862.0000
Période de libération:
0 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
10 000 000.0000
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
7 848 406.5046
1 010 000.0000
Vendu sur le marché:
67 376.2094
Pas encore libéré:
Volume d'achat direct:
5 201
Latest News
00:06:32 17 Jun, 2024

The MICRONACION cryptocurrency is the official digital currency of our Micronation. It is sold on the Mintme Exchange and used as a medium of exchange in our virtual ecosystem. This cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology and its main purpose is to be the economic engine of the Metaverse Constellation that we are creating. The MICRONACION is a decentralized digital currency that allows citizens of the Micronation to make secure and fast transactions. Furthermore, being a cryptocurrency, it offers a high level of privacy and security in transactions. If you want to know more details about the MICRONACION cryptocurrency or have any specific questions about it, I will be happy to provide you with more information. Don't hesitate to ask! #micronacion #micronation

00:06:19 17 Jun, 2024

La criptomoneda MICRONACION es la moneda digital oficial de nuestra Micronación. Se vende en el Exchange Mintme y se utiliza como medio de intercambio en nuestro ecosistema virtual. Esta criptomoneda se basa en tecnología blockchain y tiene como propósito principal ser el motor económico del Metaverso Constelation que estamos creando. La MICRONACION es una moneda digital descentralizada que permite a los ciudadanos de la Micronación realizar transacciones seguras y rápidas. Además, al ser una criptomoneda, ofrece un alto nivel de privacidad y seguridad en las transacciones. Si deseas conocer más detalles sobre la criptomoneda MICRONACION o tienes alguna pregunta específica al respecto, estaré encantada de brindarte más información. ¡No dudes en preguntar!

Price Overview
Principaux détenteurs
Trader Montant
1 000 000
62 607
10 000
1 585
1 271
Bounty campaigns
Token shop