@MDYS with 7.7 Million coins never to be released, it would make your holdings x20 in value to hold, but instead, You will shut down entire community? costing everyone? You are No Christian and I will shut it down to protect the Principle, because I've already lost access to 7.7 million which could be of tremendous gain to all, but you alone will crash the whole project with your stubborn listing. A Shame too, the rewards could have been plentiful for everyone, but for your arrogance and greed
EDVAN DE LIMA RODRIGUES of Brazil You have received Notice of actively Blocking Development of Project for Your personal gain, Project will shut down in 72 hours if No response, Killing all proceeds for everyone and I maintain all Mining Rewards and simply start over. Interesting You waited until after Blockchain launch to do so, and Now That Mintme cannot fix Dispersion of Coins, with your disruption of sales, and diminished amount available. It will save me money to just shut it all down.
@MDYS is actively Blocking House sales of Faithcoin to Kill Project, DO NOT BUY, If he does Not remove This Posting within 72 hours, I will delete coin, Killing project and everyone's investment To Kill His Investment completely. 24 hrs to respond, 72 hours to die, The Mining will pay for Me to start over and Reward Our BEST Supporter for His losses...So I care nothing for the rest who have only sought imediate gain...Don't think I will....TRY ME
There are now only 2.25 Million Faithcoin, No more can be generated, All that are on market is all there will ever be, I own roughly 1/3rd of all tokens, Meaning @Smile currently owns around 5 %, leaving only 62% - already sold 102,000 of all tokens, all Tokens literally just quadrupled in Total value, Please...sell them back to me cheap.
@Smile will receive shares 10% of Mining Rewards for January BY HIMSELF for his Unyielding support of Faithcoin's growth: 10 VRSC ($2.40) , 10 EMC2 ($0.95) + 10% of His Total "Faithcoin". Now...Don't you wish YOU had participated instead of Obstructing? God Blesses Those who help others grow in Him.