Mintme News

Webchain development update - January 2019

24 janv. 2019


Webchain started on 8th May 2018 and we’ve made huge progress since then. We have applied to many exchanges, and we’re present on Stex, Chaoex, Escodex, Raisex and CoinRoom now. Further listings are on their way, including first FIAT pair. Few weeks after launch we experienced first DDoS attack. It was successful our Webchain services weren’t available for few hours. To avoid similar attacks, we completely redesigned our infrastructure. It contains dozens of servers now. And we’re still making minor changes to make our services even more reliable.

Also, we’ve released the second version of official daemon webchaind v0.2.0. This update contains few fixes to make it easier to use for less technical people and few features needed for Webchain GUI wallet. This wallet also was updated 4 times, introducing new features and fixing bugs.

We’ve updated webchain-miner to version We’ve fixed few minor bugs and added new features like support for more low power modes and support for ARM architecture. We used it to build Android miner, which was added to Google Play Store. Unfortunately, later Google banned all mining apps, but our miner is still available at GitHub.

We received few feature requests: to add rich list and API to get current supply. It required writing custom daemon to track blockchain in real-time and generate statistics.

In addition, we have made many changes on Webchain main website including blog and FAQ sections.


During last few months we’ve made significant changes also in our other project related to cryptocurrencies CoinIMP. First of all we’ve added support for mining Webchain via web mining. To do it we had to modify our JavaScript miner to support CryptoNight-Webchain algorithm. We also had to optimize webchain-pool to handle huge CoinIMP traffic. For example, we’ve added support for dynamic difficulty. We’re still making improvements in our CoinIMP infrastructure to make it even more stable. We’ve made many fixes in Monero daemon and pool to improve efficiency and reliability. Seems they weren’t designed to handle such big traffic as we have on CoinIMP (we have about 30000 simultaneous connections on each pool server and we have over 20 pool servers). In last few months we’ve released 5 new versions of our panel. Many new features were added: possibility of adding a warning message about mining, two-factor authentication, WordPress Plugin and users feature. You can find detailed changelog here:

Our next project related to CoinIMP and Webchain was the Token Sale. Besides obvious things like writing whitepaper and designing new subpages we had to write own payment gateway. None of the existing solutions satisfy our requirements. Our gateway supports payments in Bitcoin, Ethereum and Monero. Currently, we’re working on adding support for Webchain. In addition, we’ll reuse this gateway in our next project – MintMe. We will work on IMP token only after we have gathered softcap.


This is our main focus for 2019 and beyond. We’re writing MintMe panel from scratch. It consists of trading page, token view, wallet view and news. Panel also handles depositing and withdrawing funds. We’re developing custom payment gateway that supports multiple coins like Bitcoin and Webchain. MintMe panel is bridge between users and MintMe backend where all trades are actually executed.

Our backend is written in C to provide maximum efficiency. It stores users’ balances and is responsible for executing trades. Backend provides HTTP API for panel and Websocket API for end users. We have to develop our solution, because existing solutions can’t handle more than ~100 predefined trade pairs while we expect to handle at least few thousands of pairs and they have to be created in real-time.

WEB will be base currency for MintMe project.


Main major feature we’re working on hosting panel is support for WEB payments. Users will be able to earn WEB on their sites and pay for hosting using mined coins. There will be two options: typical transaction on blockchain or direct payment from user’s mined balance. To achieve it, we need to design proper pages in hosting panel, adapt payment gateway and create communication channel between hosting panel and CoinIMP panel.

Statistics for 2018

Lines of code

– webchaind: 125,676

– webchain-miner: 39,564

– webchain-wallet: 17,165

– webchain-pool: 5,421

– webchain-explorer: 15,996

– webchain mainpage: 2,898

– CoinIMP panel: 27,489

– CoinIMP backend: 4,488

– MintMe panel: 16,158

– MintMe backend: 31,758

– Hosting panel: 124,899

– Hosting backend: 30,273

TOTAL: 441,785 lines of code


Blockchain metrics

– Blockchain transactions: 1,655,624

– Total wallets: 5,830

– Blocks mined: 1,434,197

– Hashes calculated: 21,161,773,569,875


Trading metrics

– High / Low: $0.0105 / $0.0015

– Trade volume (since Sep 30, 2018): $259,658

– Market Cap (highest): $522,891


As we've mentioned in the beginning, this is a first post of the update series. We’ll try to post updates with current progress every month. Stay tuned!